The Mac vs. PC debate is much like beating a dead horse… a VERY dead horse. There will NEVER be any glimmering examples that prove either system tops the other, so it’s both funny and irritating to read the comments on the article “How to know if your Mac is infected with the Flashback virus (and how to fix it),” which can be read here:
Look, I grew up using Windows systems at home and, thinking back, I spent a lot of time in a lot of weird places. One such place was my buddy, Brady’s, grandma’s basement. I don’t remember how we ended up hanging out there, but what I do recall is starting up the record player and booting up her Windows NT computer. Oddly, at the time it really didn’t feel odd at all. Even before computers were the norm, they felt like the norm, and some of us just naturally gravitated toward them.
Anyway, I spent A LOT of time on Windows systems, growing up. But I started using Macs more and more as time progressed. In middle school, my friends and I obediently took turns playing “Oregon Trail” on “free days” in our Ohio History class. That was seventh grade. In eighth grade, we learned proper typing skills on old Macintosh Classic IIs, which had only black and white screens. Then, in high school, the “bondi blue,” “tangerine,” and “ruby” iMac G3s became all the rage, when our high school installed them.
Fast-forward a decade later, and I own both a Windows computer and an Apple computer. They both serve a purpose but, when it comes to processor-intense applications, I have no choice but to use the Apple system. The same logic is in place in the office. We have one Windows system that’s dedicated to data transfer. All of our video editing, though, takes place on Macs… most editors prefer them… so do audio engineers… and graphic designers… not all, but most, and there is a key reason: stability.
Windows enthusiasts sometimes rave about how they can build a system that is just as good, at a fraction of the cost. Well, “just as good” is a rather subjective observation, unless they are perform actual bench tests.
Although many people like Apple computers for their ease-of-use, I have found Windows operating systems to be super customizable. People can spec them out and, for those that have such an interest, games made for Windows are quite abundant. On the other hand, they historically start to become less and less reliable as they get bogged down with heavy processing. I can’t have that with some of the work I do.
I originally bought my Mac to transfer video footage for a TV show. It was flawless in that capacity and has served me well with audio editing. Freeware and expandability gives Windows an upper-hand in those categories, however. So basically, with all this said, each operating system has its uses… its pros and cons. So, if you haven’t done so already, check out and compare both. It could open up a whole new world…